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Udon Thani is a city in northeast Thailand covering an area of 47 km2, and the tenth largest urban agglomeration in Thailand with a population of 570.000 people. As a provincial capital, it is projected to grow 20% by 2030 according to UN statistics, becoming an important economic and strategic gateway to Indochina.

This project is to serve as a case study for urban resiliency in Southeast Asia and act as a catalyst for developing a vision based on sustainable flood mitigation strategies in response to climate change.

The Green Infrastructure Master Plan for Udon Thani was composed of a multidisciplinary team including landscape architects, planners, geoscientists and water resource engineers. We identified a total of 14 green infrastructure projects for the city that would have a scientifically-measured impact for mitigating flood in the city. The project typologies included: canal restoration projects, greenstreets, retention parks, and wetland parks.

In 2019, the government of Thailand provided funding to Udon Thani municipality for the implementation of the Green Infrastructure Master Plan project. It is currently under construction.

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